InExpositionbyEvan BaconRFC: File System-Based Routing in React NativeThe new library Expo Router lets you build native navigation using a file system-based router, just like modern web frameworks.Sep 27, 20224Sep 27, 20224
InOCP digital factorybyTaha OuarrakHow react-native became performant as native with the new architectureExplaining react-native’s new architectureNov 17, 20225Nov 17, 20225
InExpositionbyEvan BaconDrastically Faster Bundling in React NativeExotic mode was deprecated in SDK 50 and will be fully removed in SDK 51. Expo CLI’s default config bundles in ~5.8s (down from Exotic’s…Oct 15, 20215Oct 15, 20215
IncybermonkeybyNishant NeerajDeep Linking Push Notifications with React NavigationDo you want your Push Notifications to open the relevant screens in your React Native app? If yes, read this.Dec 6, 202012Dec 6, 202012
Jorge Gonzalez VallejoReact-Native Push Notifications with Amazon SNSHere’s a simple guide on how to register a mobile device and how to create an Amazon SNS endpoint programmatically.Jan 25, 20222Jan 25, 20222
KoreanThinkerHow can we use google translate in react native?If you need an email translation function,Mar 25, 2022Mar 25, 2022
nitin vardaDeep Linking in React Nativewhat is deep linking in a mobile application?Feb 3, 20221Feb 3, 20221
Param SinghCI/CD pipeline for React Native appsBuilding React Native apps is a fraction of the whole app development SDLC. It comes with a whole bunch of tooling and processes around it…Jul 4, 20226Jul 4, 20226
InBetter ProgrammingbyAryella LacerdaOver the Air (OTA) Updates With React Native CodePush and GitHub ActionsOne way to address a classic mobile deployment problem in React Native… without having to go through the official app storesJun 29, 20222Jun 29, 20222
Agustin RivaMicrofrontends with React NativeAs days, months and years go by, more and more applications are moving to the world of microservices. It is much more common to see a…Jun 3, 20223Jun 3, 20223
InMinds Verse | HabileLabsbyHabileLabsMonorepo for React Native Apps with NxBy Muskan JainMay 19, 20222May 19, 20222
InThe Groww Engineering BlogbyKushal AgrawalWays To Reduce the JS Bundle size in React NativeIf you have developed a react native application, you might know that a big bundle can add up to the start time of your application and can…May 17, 2022May 17, 2022
InAIA Singapore Technology BlogbyCandra AjiRe.Pack in React-NativeFor many years, react-native developers used to build react-native apps with metro bundler (by default). Every time we run a react native…Jan 8, 20224Jan 8, 20224
InAsyncbyDaniel MerrillOops! I Wrote Another CalendarIntroducing react-native-infinite-pager, a new infinitely-swipeable pager component for React Native, and react-native-swipe-calendar, the…Jan 11, 2022Jan 11, 2022